AWS Internet of Things Core (IoT Core)

AWS IoT Core: internet of things


AWS Internet of Things Core (IoT Core)

Full list of AWS Services

Birds of a feather

flock together!

Products that are often seen with AWSIoT Core, descending order of frequency:

Product seen with
Prefix Name Description
AWS IoT device management (IoT device mgmt) IoT fleet management
AWS Lambda function runtime
AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN (IoT Core 4 LoRaWAN) IoT connectivity to cloud
Amazon Kinesis stream processing
Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) stream processing
Amazon Timestream Time series database
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) object storage
Amazon API Gateway API gateway
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) SSL/TLS certificates
Amazon CloudWatch monitoring

Products that are related in Moca:

Related products
Prefix Name Description
Amazon Chime video conferencing/chat
Amazon Connect customer contact center
Amazon EventBridge event bus
AWS Internet of Things Core (IoT Core) internet of things
AWS IoT 1-Click button triggers lambda
AWS IoT Device Defender (IoT Defender) IoT device audits/monitor
AWS IoT device management (IoT device mgmt) IoT fleet management
AWS Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management (Fleet Hub) monitor health of IoT fleet
AWS IoT Events IoT event bus
AWS IoT Things Graph IoT message broker
Amazon Kinesis stream processing
Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics analyze streaming data
Amazon MQ message broker
Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) stream processing
Amazon Pinpoint user messaging
AWS RoboMaker robotics
Amazon SES email send/receive
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) pub/sub messaging
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) message queue
AWS Fleet Manager manage server fleet
Amazon WorkMail email/calendar
