AWS Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
AWS ROSA: OpenShift APIs on AWS
AWS Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
Mocagon: Execution area, Internet scope [AWS Poster]
Full-name: AWS Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS
Provides: OpenShift APIs on AWS
Year: 2021
Full list of AWS Services
Birds of a feather
flock together!
Products that are often seen with AWS ROSA, descending order of frequency:
Prefix | Name | Description |
Amazon | Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) | container management |
AWS | Fargate | serverless container |
Products that are related in Moca:
Prefix | Name | Description |
AWS | Device Farm | mobile testing |
AWS | Wavelength | AZ at the mobile edge |
Amazon | Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | virtual machine |
Amazon | Nitro Enclaves | isolated compute environment |
AWS | Elastic Beanstalk | application runtime |
Amazon | Elastic Inference | ML GPU accelerator |
AWS | Inferentia | ML inference chip |
Amazon | FreeRTOS | real-time OS for microcontrollers |
Amazon | GameLift | game servers |
AWS | IoT Greengrass | cloud features on device |
AWS | Lambda | function runtime |
AWS | Fargate | serverless container |
Amazon | Braket | quantum computer |
Amazon | Lightsail | virtual private server |
AWS | Outposts | AWS in your data-center |
AWS | Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) | OpenShift APIs on AWS |
AWS | Snowball Edge | portable storage/compute |
AWS | Snowcone | portable storage/compute |
Amazon | WorkSpaces | virtual desktop |