AWS Step Functions
AWS Step Functions: coordinate serverless
AWS Step Functions
Mocagon: Execution area, Internet scope [AWS Poster]
Full-name: AWS Step Functions
Short-name: AWS Step Functions
Provides: coordinate serverless
Resource: statemachine
Year: 2016
Full list of AWS Services
Birds of a feather
flock together!
Products that are often seen with AWS Step Functions, descending order of frequency:
Prefix | Name | Description |
AWS | Lambda | function runtime |
Amazon | Simple Notification Service (SNS) | pub/sub messaging |
Amazon | DynamoDB | key-value/document db |
AWS | Glue | extract/transf/load (ETL) |
Amazon | SageMaker | ML IDE |
Amazon | Simple Queue Service (SQS) | message queue |
AWS | Batch | batch job management |
Amazon | Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | virtual machine |
AWS | Fargate | serverless container |
Amazon | API Gateway | API gateway |
Products that are related in Moca:
Prefix | Name | Description |
Amazon | API Gateway | API gateway |
AWS | App Mesh | service mesh |
AWS | Auto Scaling | automated provisioning |
AWS | Batch | batch job management |
Amazon | Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) | workflow management |
AWS | Cloud Map | service discovery |
Amazon | Elastic Container Service (ECS) | container management |
Amazon | Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) | container management |
AWS | Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) | use AWS service in Kubernetes |
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) | load balancer | |
Amazon | Simple Workflow ⧗ (SWF ⧗ ) | coordinate tasks |
AWS | Step Functions | coordinate serverless |
2021/03/04: AWS Step Functions adds tooling support for YAML
2021/03/02: Amazon EventBridge now supports propagation of X-Ray trace context
2020/12/23: Introducing Service Workbench on AWS
2020/12/11: Amazon API Gateway now supports integration with Step Functions StartSyncExecution for HTTP APIs
2020/12/04: Amazon API Gateway now supports integration with Step Functions StartSyncExecution for HTTP APIs
2020/11/24: AWS Step Functions now supports Synchronous Express Workflows
2020/11/17: AWS Step Functions now supports Amazon API Gateway service integration
2020/11/16: AWS Step Functions now supports Amazon EKS service integration
2020/10/22: AWS Step Functions now supports Amazon Athena service integration
2020/10/12: CloudWatch Application Insights offers new, improved user interface
2020/10/06: Introducing Distributed Load Testing v1.1
2020/09/17: AWS Lambda adds console support for visualizing AWS Step Functions workflows
2020/09/14: AWS Step Functions adds support for AWS X-Ray
2020/09/03: AWS Step Functions increases payload size to 256KB
2020/08/31: Orchestrate and parameterize EMR Notebook Executions without graphical user interface access
2020/08/26: Amazon AppFlow now supports Amazon EventBridge as a destination
2020/08/20: API Gateway HTTP APIs adds integration with five AWS services
2020/08/04: AWS Step Functions adds support for Amazon SageMaker Processing
2020/07/30: AWS CodeBuild now supports parallel and coordinated executions of a build project
2020/05/28: CodePipeline supports invoking Step Functions with a new action type
2020/05/27: AWS SAM adds support for AWS Step Functions
2020/05/13: Announcing major enhancements to Amazon Macie, an 80%+ price reduction, and global region expansion
2020/05/07: Introducing AWS Trusted Advisor Explorer
2020/05/07: Video on Demand on AWS now leverages AWS Elemental MediaConvert Accelerated Transcoding
2020/05/05: AWS Step Functions now supports AWS CodeBuild service integration
2020/04/28: Introducing Genomics Secondary Analysis using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch
2020/03/31: The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code now supports AWS Step Functions
2020/03/13: Introducing Amazon Personalize Optimizer Using Amazon Pinpoint Events