AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Trusted Advisor: product best practice


AWS Trusted Advisor

Full list of AWS Services

Birds of a feather

flock together!

Products that are often seen with AWSTrusted Advisor, descending order of frequency:

Product seen with
Prefix Name Description
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) virtual machine
AWS Support support/help
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) load balancer
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) relational database
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) object storage
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) virtual storage device
Amazon CloudFront CDN
AWS CloudTrail operations planes audit log
AWS Lambda function runtime
Amazon Route 53 DNS

Products that are related in Moca:

Related products
Prefix Name Description
AWS Artifact compliance evidence
AWS Audit Manager continuously audit AWS use
AWS CloudTrail operations planes audit log
Amazon Cognito login/registration
Amazon Detective security investigation
AWS Directory Service identity & access
Amazon GuardDuty security detection
AWS Identity & Access Mgmt (IAM) identity & access
Amazon Inspector security assessment
AWS License Manager license management
AWS Organizations cross-account governance
AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) cross-account sharing
AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) cross-account sign-on
AWS Control Tower multi-account governance
AWS Security Hub cross-service security view
AWS Security Token Service (STS) credential vending
AWS Trusted Advisor product best practice
AWS Well-Architected Tool (WA Tool) architecture best practice
